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Abstract Details

Reduced Sialylation and Abnormal Glycosylation in Skeletal Muscles with Distal Myopathy with Rimmed Vacuoles
Alexis M. Steinberg, MD The institution of Dr. Steinberg has received research support from University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Institute (CTSI).
No disclosure on file
Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN (Minneapolis VA Healthcare System) Dr. Tiryaki has received research support from University of Minnesota. The institution of Dr. Tiryaki has received research support from University of Minnesota.
Ezgi Tiryaki, MD, FAAN (Minneapolis VA Healthcare System) Dr. Tiryaki has received research support from University of Minnesota. The institution of Dr. Tiryaki has received research support from University of Minnesota.
Mark D. Johnson, MD (UT Southwestern Medical Center) Dr. Johnson has nothing to disclose.
Maria E. Baldwin, MD Dr. Baldwin has nothing to disclose.
Jon Rittenberger, MD (University of Pittsburgh) No disclosure on file