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Abstract Details

Hippocampal Subfield Analysis in MCI patients: Comparing FreeSurfer on 3T MRI with Hand Segmentation on 7T Data
Aging, Dementia, and Behavioral Neurology
Salil Soman, MD (Palo Alto VAWkUSC/Stanford Radiological Sci Lab)
No disclosure on file
Vivay Peter Misra, MD No disclosure on file
Ansgar Furst, PhD MS (VA Palo Alto Health Care System (WRIISC)) No disclosure on file
Geoffrey A. Kerchner, MD, PhD (Genentech, Inc.) Dr. Kerchner has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd.. Dr. Kerchner has stock in F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Ltd.. Dr. Kerchner has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care.