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Abstract Details

Behavioral Profiles of Children and Adolescents with Specific Language Impairment and High Functioning Autism
Child Neurology and Developmental Neurology
Marisela E. Dy-Hollins, MD, MSCR, FAAN (Massachusetts General Hospital)
The institution of Dr. Dy-Hollins has received research support from CNCDP-K12.
Angela Ballantyne, MD No disclosure on file
Stephen Wanaski, PhD (Paragon Biosciences) Dr. Wanaski has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Paragon Biosciences. Dr. Wanaski has stock in Paragon Biosciences. Dr. Wanaski has stock in Emalex Biosciences.
Doris A. Trauner, MD (Univ. of California San Diego) No disclosure on file