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Abstract Details

Modified ketogenic diets are likely the best option for the most refractory epilepsy patients—those who have failed epilepsy surgery
Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology (EEG)
P5 - (-)
Jessica Falco-Walter, MD (Stanford University)
Dr. Falco-Walter has nothing to disclose.
No disclosure on file
Antoaneta J. Balabanov, MD (Rush University Medical Center, Rush Epilepsy Center) Dr. Balabanov has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Alexion. Dr. Balabanov has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Consultant for Genentech. Dr. Balabanov has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for Biogen. Dr. Balabanov has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Biogen. The institution of Dr. Balabanov has received research support from NextCure. The institution of Dr. Balabanov has received research support from Biogen.