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Abstract Details

Trends of mortality in West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease (WNND) from 2005-2014 in a US hospital cohort.
P1 - (-)
Monika Manchanda, MD (University of New Mexico)
Dr. Manchanda has nothing to disclose.
No disclosure on file
Richard M. Dubinsky, MD, MPH, FAAN (University of Kansas Medical Center) Dr. Dubinsky has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as a Consultant for Allergan Pharmaceuticals. An immediate family member of Dr. Dubinsky has stock in Abbvie and Abbott Labs. The institution of Dr. Dubinsky has received research support from CHDI. The institution of Dr. Dubinsky has received research support from Neurocrine. The institution of Dr. Dubinsky has received research support from Prilenia. The institution of Dr. Dubinsky has received research support from Sage Pharmaceuticals.