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Abstract Details

Unusual Presentation of Wilson Disease in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report
Child Neurology and Developmental Neurology
P2 - (-)
Michael DiSano, MD (Akron Children’s Hospital, NeuroDevelopmental Science Center)
No disclosure on file
Neil R. Friedman, MD, MBChB (Phoenix Children's Hospital) No disclosure on file
Sumit Parikh, MD (Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute) Dr. Parikh has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for Epirium. The institution of Dr. Parikh has received research support from CHAMP. The institution of Dr. Parikh has received research support from Mitochondrial Medicine Society. The institution of Dr. Parikh has received research support from Minovia. The institution of Dr. Parikh has received research support from Acadia. The institution of Dr. Parikh has received research support from Stealth. Dr. Parikh has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care.