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Abstract Details

Evaluation of Childhood Weakness: Utilization of a Web-Based Educational Tool childmuscleweakness.org
Child Neurology and Developmental Neurology
P2 - (-)

No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Erin O'Rourke No disclosure on file
Katherine D. Mathews, MD, FAAN (University of Iowa - Dept of Pediatrics) Dr. Mathews has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Avidity Bioscience. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from NIH. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Muscular Dystrophy Association . The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance . The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Sarepta . The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Pfizer. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Reata . The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from PTC Therapeutics, Inc. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Italfarmaco . The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from AMO. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from FibroGen. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from Capricor. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from edgewise. The institution of Dr. Mathews has received research support from biogen.