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Abstract Details

Establishment of Normative Data for Cardiovascular Autonomic Function Tests in Indian Population
Neuromuscular and Clinical Neurophysiology (EMG)
P6 - Poster Session 6 (12:00 PM-1:00 PM)

Non-invasive CAFTs are measures for autonomic function. The number of autonomic labs is increasing in India. However, there are no normative data available for CAFTs in order to interpret the tests in patients with autonomic disorders.

1. To establish normative data in cardiovascular autonomic function tests (CAFT) in Indian subjects

2. To correlate the CAFT with age, gender and body mass index (BMI).

The study was done on 254 healthy subjects of age ≥18 years between the April 2017 till September 2019. All tests of CAFT were done in autonomic laboratory at the department of Neurology, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana using WR Medical works. The average heart rate (HR) response to deep breathing (HRDB), Valsalva ratio (VR), magnitude of HR and blood pressure (BP) response of different phases of Valsalva manoeuvre and HR and BP changes on head tilt-up were assessed. Descriptive and correlation tests were used for analysis.

The mean age (±SD) of study participants was 43±16.1 years (range 20-84), and 129 (50.8%) were men. The normative value range (2.5 percentile to 97.5 percentile) for HR difference, E:I ratio and Valsalva ratio was 5.4-42.0, 1.07-1.77 and 1.17-2.28 respectively for all the subjects. HRDB difference and E:I ratio showed an inverse relation with age (r= -0.609, p<0.001 and r= -0.624, p<0.001 respectively), but no gender differences were observed. VR also showed an inverse relation with age (r=-0.566, p=<0.001) and female had a lower value than male (1.63 vs 1.78, p=<0.001). The systolic blood pressure (SBP) early phase 2 amplitude had an inverse relation with age (r= -0.313, p<0.001). The SBP fall did not show any correlation with age, gender or BMI.

Normative CAFT data has been established for Indian population for the first time. The values are comparable to previously published studies.
Vineeth Jaison, MD, MBBS, DM (Christian Medical College and Hospital)
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Silky Adya (Christian Medical College and Hospital) No disclosure on file
Himani Khatter (Christian Medical College) Ms. Khatter has nothing to disclose.
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Jeyaraj D. Pandian, MD, DM (Christian Medical College) Dr. Pandian has nothing to disclose.
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