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Abstract Details

A case of Optic neuropathy post COVID-19 vaccination
Autoimmune Neurology
P13 - Poster Session 13 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)


A 42-year-old male, post Pfizer vaccine; presented with 3-day history of acute onset of painful blurry vision in left eye. Neurological exam revealed decreased visual acuity, afferent pupillary defect in left eye. He was treated with high dose steroids for 3 days followed by oral steroid taper. Follow up visit showed significant improvement in his vision.

Vaccination remains core-stone of protection against viral infections like COVID -19. Various side effects of vaccines have been reported including anaphylaxis; myocarditis, pericarditis; however Neurological involvement is rare. We are reporting a case of optic neuropathy post COVID vaccination. The exact mechanism remains unclear.
Information regarding patient obtained via retrospective review of electronic medical records

MRI orbits showed T2 abnormal hyperintensity and enhancement of intracanalicular portion of left optic nerve; thus, diagnosed as retro-orbital optic neuritis. Lumbar puncture showed normal glucose and protein levels; MOG and NMO/AQP4 test were negative.

Vaccine administration has been associated with a wide variety of inflammatory mediated CNS demyelinating syndromes that usually appear few days following the immunization such as optic neuritis with encephalomyelitis such as MOGAD, ADEM, and NMOSD. Post-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination Optic Neuritis (ON) is an extremely rare adverse event with the incidence of post-vaccination ON being much lower than for ON alone. Most cases were reported post AstraZeneca vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech and Sinovac. Autoantibodies against MOG were mostly detected. The condition is treated spontaneously and both steroid responsive and plasma exchange. The underlying mechanism in post vaccination ON is systemic autoimmune process in contrast to regular ON cases, which are predominantly Multiple Sclerosis linked. Majority of patients had no prior history of neuro-inflammation and the risk is higher with increasing age, women and with a history of autoimmune disease.

Shitiz K. Sriwastava, MBBS (UT Health Houston)
Dr. Sriwastava has nothing to disclose.
Badria Munir, MD (WVU) Dr. Munir has nothing to disclose.