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Abstract Details

Pharmacokinetic Comparison of STS101 (A Novel Investigational DHE Nasal Powder) with Liquid Nasal, Injectable and Oral Inhaled DHE Formulations
P13 - Poster Session 13 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)
DHE has been used since 1946 for the acute treatment of migraine, but the approved DHE products have significant limitations, including requirement for injection, adverse events, and inconsistent response. 
To perform a literature review to compare pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters for dihydroergotamine mesylate (DHE) formulations including intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), liquid nasal sprays (LNS), orally inhaled, and STS101, an investigational nasal powder.
A literature search was performed to compare PK data of the approved products DHE liquid nasal spray (LNS) 2.0 mg, IM DHE injection, DHE LNS 1.45 mg, and the investigational products MAP0004 (orally inhaled) and STS101.
STS101 had a higher Cmax than DHE LNS 2.0 mg and DHE LNS 1.45 mg and approached that of MAP0004 and IM DHE.  The STS101 AUC0-2hr and AUC0-inf were 2-fold greater than DHE LNS 2.0 mg, DHE LNS 1.45 mg, and MAP0004. In two PK studies, STS101 achieved 79% and 83% of the total drug exposure of IM DHE and was comparable to IV DHE.  STS101 had low variability similar to MAP0004 and had lower variability than the DHE LNSs.
Cmax and early exposure levels may be important for efficacy at 2 hrs.  STS101 demonstrated greater PK values and less PK variability compared to the approved DHE LNSs. As compared with MAP0004, STS101 achieved similar Cmax, higher AUC at all time points after ~30 minutes and similar PK variability. STS101 showed high sustained plasma concentrations, AUC0-inf comparable to the IV DHE values, and approached the IM DHE values. STS101’s lower PK variability may lead to more consistent and reliable clinical performance.  
Shannon Strom
Shannon Strom has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Satsuma Pharmaceuticals. Shannon Strom has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for Arena Pharmaceuticals. Shannon Strom has stock in Satsuma Pharmaceuticals.
Detlef Albrecht Detlef Albrecht has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Satsuma. Detlef Albrecht has stock in Satsuma.