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Abstract Details

Implementing Collaborative, Innovative Trainee-Centered Strategies to Enhance the Mayo Clinic Arizona Neurology Residency Educational Experience
Education, Research, and Methodology
P10 - Poster Session 10 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) developed the neurology milestone project with a focus on systems thinking, practice-based learning and improvement, use of information technology to optimize learning, and neurologic subspecialty management and treatment.
Our objective was to identify educational gaps and implement educational interventions to improve the educational experience among neurology trainees at our institution.

Between 2018 and 2021, optional questionnaires were administered to neurology residents at our institution before and after two primary educational interventions: (1) Academic Half Day (AHD) redesign and (2) survival guide (SG) handbook creation. AHD questionnaires obtained 100% response rate (n=9 in 2019; n=11 in 2020). SG questionnaires obtained 55% response (n=5 in 2018; n=6 in 2021). Kruskal-Wallis ranks sum test was used for comparisons pre- and post-educational interventions. Multiple interventional strategies were utilized to address primary areas identified on gap analysis.

A 85-page SG handbook was developed to address inpatient general neurology, outpatient, night float, and stroke neurology topics. Comparison between pre-education and post-intervention showed significant improvement in trainee comfort when seeing a new general neurology consult in the emergency department (mean 2.80 vs 4.7, p=0.035), morning patient pre-rounding (3.40 vs 5.00, p=0.003), outpatient workflow (3.4 vs 4.5, p=0.020), and acute inpatient stroke alert workflow (2.2 vs 4.5, p=0.020) between 2018 and 2021. The comprehensive AHD reform led to positive outcomes. Comparison between pre-education and post-education showed significant improvement in several subspecialty topics. Additionally, residency educational resources and schedules were difficult to navigate and access. We developed solutions by creating a centralized resource leveraging cloud-based applications and created a novel web/mobile application allowing for easy access to pertinent topics and patient logging use.

This work taught us the importance of trainee-led educational initiatives to improve longitudinal outcomes of resident knowledge, confidence, and satisfaction through thoughtful, structured educational content design and delivery.

Sara Dawit, MD (Wellstar Neuroscience)
Dr. Dawit has nothing to disclose.
Benzion Blech, MD Dr. Blech has nothing to disclose.
No disclosure on file
Erika Driver-Dunckley, MD, FAAN Dr. Driver-Dunckley has nothing to disclose.