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Abstract Details

Evaluation of a Novel Clinical Training Program for Medical Students on their Neurology Clerkship
Education, Research, and Methodology
P13 - Poster Session 13 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)

The MCP was created to provide focused training during medical students’ core Neurology clerkship. The program aims to increase the frequency and quality of direct observation and feedback to medical students to enhance communication, presentation, physical exam, and clinical reasoning skills. A group of “Master Clinicians” (MCs) engaged with students four times per week for: 1) observation of rounds; 2) individualized formative feedback; 3) individualized teaching practicums; and 4) weekly conferences. MCs did not formally evaluate the students and service attending responsibilities were kept the same as before the MCP. This program was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a temporary transition to a virtual format was required.

Evaluate the impact of a new “Master Clinician Program” (MCP) during the neurology clerkship.
Medical students who completed the neurology clerkship during the 2020-2021 academic year evaluated the MCP and MCs. Evaluations assessed satisfaction using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree/very unsatisfied) to 5 (strongly agree/very satisfied). A qualitative review of student comments was performed by categorizing comments into representative themes. 
131 students completed an assessment of the MCP; it was felt to be a valuable addition to the neurology clerkship (4.56 +/- 0.6). There were overall positive assessments of most aspects of the program with a relative weakness in perceived improvement in note-writing skills (4.05 +/- 1.1; not a required aspect of the MCP). 104 evaluations for the MCs were completed and students were very satisfied with the MCs (4.89 +/- 0.4). Comments suggest students most valued the feedback, one-on-one learning, and non-evaluative safe environment, amongst other MCP features.
Preliminary evaluation suggests medical students felt the MCP was a valuable aspect of the neurology clerkship despite adjustments for the pandemic. Strengths of the program include attention to feedback, individualized learning, and non-evaluative nature of the program.
Caitlin Mulligan, MD (UCSD)
Dr. Mulligan has nothing to disclose.
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No disclosure on file
Jamie LaBuzetta, MD (UC San Diego Health) Dr. LaBuzetta has nothing to disclose.