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Abstract Details

Neurology Residents as Teachers of Undergraduate Neuroscience - an Untapped Resource!
Education, Research, and Methodology
P13 - Poster Session 13 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)
We identified two educational needs upon which we believed an educational program could be developed.  These opportunities were a local university’s desire for increased exposure to clinical neuroscience for its students and a neurology residency program’s desire to provide teaching opportunities for residents. We proposed to bridge these gaps by empowering neurology residents to teach college students.
To evaluate an educational program in which neurology residents created a curriculum and taught undergraduate students about clinical neuroanatomy.  
Residents worked with a physician mentor to create case-based learning modules and three associated tele-lectures for stroke, spinal cord disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The University’s curriculum for brain, spine and nerve anatomy served as the module’s foundation. Residents developed course objectives and a curriculum, created pre and post-test questions to evaluate these objectives and made a podcast for students to listen to prior to the lecture (flipped classroom teaching).
Three separate lectures were taught to 25 students. We administered a pre-test approximately one week prior and a post-test within one day of each lecture. Of the 28 total questions administered; we saw a composite increase in correct answers in 86% of post-test answers. The most common qualitative responses from students were for more in-depth education prior to class and during the lecture and request for future similarly formatted lectures.
Employing neurology residents to teach undergraduate students provided a hands-on opportunity for residents to teach while simultaneously invigorating and enhancing undergraduate learning. This institutional partnership is our first step towards creating a segue between future clinicians and educators. Our next steps include data analysis to better understand the strengths of the educational intervention and areas for improvement.
Alyssa M. Smith, MD (University of Rochester Medical Center)
Dr. Smith has nothing to disclose.
Sandeep Gill, MD (Aurathirty2) Dr. Gill has nothing to disclose.
Micaela R. Owens, DO (Marshall University) Dr. Owens has nothing to disclose.
Scott M. Friedenberg, MD, FAAN (Geisinger Medical Center) Dr. Friedenberg has received research support from AMA. Dr. Friedenberg has received research support from Geisinger Medical Center.
No disclosure on file
Madelyn K. Smiley Miss Smiley has nothing to disclose.