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Abstract Details

A Student-Faculty Collaboration for Authentic Teaching of the Effects of Discrimination on Brain Health
Education, Research, and Methodology
P5 - Poster Session 5 (11:45 AM-12:45 PM)

To provide compassionate and high-value healthcare, providers and medical students must recognize physiological and clinical manifestations of stress in response to social discrimination and have the tools to communicate with their patients in a culturally responsive manner. However, many medical educators may feel unprepared to teach these topics to students.

We describe the co-creation, implementation, and evaluation of a learning session from a pre-clerkship neurology course about the effects of social discrimination on the body’s stress response and development of empathetic communication skills for providers.

Second-year medical student (M2) leaders from diverse backgrounds and faculty developed together an hour-long flipped classroom teaching session for M1 students addressing discrimination-related manifestations of stress. Before class, M1 students read academic texts and viewed lecture videos created by M2 students and faculty. M1 student groups created their own clinical case examples of patients experiencing stress related to racism, heterosexism, and ableism. During class, M1 students used these cases to facilitate group discussions on how providers can utilize screening tools and patient-physician dialogue frameworks. After the session, a debriefing period was offered to address lasting concerns, reflections and offer additional resources.

A post-session survey found that 87% of students agreed that the session increased their overall understanding of the role of discrimination in the development of stress-related illnesses. 100% of students agreed with the statement that the session dealt with sensitive issues in a culturally responsive manner. Qualitative student responses indicated that the participation of M2 students was highly valued, and that the session was perceived as authentic and delivered in a respectful manner.

Co-curriculum design with faculty and diverse student leaders offers a unique opportunity to teach challenging DEI topics that require authenticity and respect. Tips & tricks for creating a similar session at your institution will be provided.

Breanna Chachere
Ms. Chachere has nothing to disclose.
Jalyce Taylor Miss Taylor has nothing to disclose.
Ashlynn Mills Mrs. Mills has nothing to disclose.
No disclosure on file
No disclosure on file
Thomas Thesen, PhD (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth) Prof. Thesen has nothing to disclose.