MRI brain +/- contrast showed cortical ribboning in the right cortex, left frontal and parietal lobes with old bilateral basal ganglia infarcts. EEG demonstrated PSWCs 1-2 Hz, in posterior head region, lasting 10-40 seconds. CSF analysis revealed normal protein, cell counts, negative RT-QUIC and autoimmune encephalopathy panel with elevated Tau (14632) and 14-3-3 (32866) proteins.
In Dec’2022, she had worsened with additional deficits in calculation, word finding, and abstract thought (MoCA 11/30), more frequent hallucinations and lack of insight. Given continued high suspicion for CJD, we repeated RT-QUIC (positive), total tau (18759) and 14-3-3 (47873) levels. Patient passed away in Jun’23.