A 51-year-old woman with stage 3 ductal carcinoma (on taxol/cisplastin/pembrolizumab) presented with one month of fever and encephalopathy requiring ICU admission for airway protection from worsening mentation. CSF studies revealed protein of 109 mg/dL and 41 nucleated cells with initially negative meningoencephalitis panel. She was placed on broad spectrum antibiotics without relief of symptoms, eventually developing NORSE. Repeat LP revealed possible Parechovirus which was later felt to be an aberrant result. MRI brain was unrevealing. Her course was complicated by hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, ferritin to >16,500 ng/mL, DIC and concern for possible systemic hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). The patient remained in NORSE despite three anti-epileptics, ultimately put into 50% burst suppression with high levels of intravenous midazolam. She subsequently improved with use of high dose steroids and IVIG for presumed pembroluzimab-induced toxic encephalitis.