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Abstract Details

Anatomical Evidence for GABA-A Receptors on Dopamine Axons for Autoregulation of Striatal Dopamine Release by Co-released GABA
General Neurology
P3 - Poster Session 3 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)

Parkinson's disease is caused by the loss of dopamine (DA) producing neurons in the midbrain that send their axons to the dorsal striatum (dStr), whereas addiction occurs when DA release from DA axons in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) becomes dysregulated by drugs of abuse. Increasing the complexity of DA transmission, DA axons in the dStr and NAc co-release DA the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Data from the Rice Lab shows that co-released GABA activates GABAA receptors to inhibit DA release. Given previous work showing that mRNA for ?3-subunit containing GABAA receptors (?3-GABAARs) is found in 90% of midbrain DA neurons, we sought to establish whether ?3-GABAARs are localized to DA axons.

To investigate whether ?3-GABAA receptor subunit protein is anatomically localized on striatal DA axons using confocal fluorescence microscopy.

To identify the presence of GABAA receptors on DA axons, we used immunohistochemistry with confocal fluorescence microscopy of coronal sections of fixed mouse striatal tissue. Sections were cut on a freezing microtome then incubated with primary antibodies against the DA-synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and against ?3-subunits. After rinsing these sections, fluorescent-tagged secondary antibodies were applied that recognize each primary antibody.

We first optimized procedures to visualize ?3-GABAARs and established the specificity of the primary antibody for ?3-subunits. High magnification of immuno-stained images in striatum showed evidence of co-localization of ?3-subunits on TH immunolabeled DA axons in both the dStr and NAc. These data were important to validate other findings in which immuno-electron microscopy (i-EM) was used to visualize the subcellular location of ?3-subunits using the same antibody and concentration. Quantification of i-EM data revealed that approximately 50% of DA axons express ?3-GABAAR.

These anatomical data combined with functional DA-release data introduce a novel mechanism by which co-released GABA acts to autoinhibit DA signaling.

Madeline Wiseman (Columbia University)
Ms. Wiseman has nothing to disclose.
Jyoti Patel (NYU Grossman School of Medicine) No disclosure on file
Paul Witkovsky (New York University School of Medicine) No disclosure on file
Margaret Rice (NYU) No disclosure on file