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Abstract Details

The Effect of the Psychiatric Co-morbidities of Migraine on Medical University Students: A Cross-sectional Study
P3 - Poster Session 3 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)


Headaches are a frequent neurological disorder.(1). "Unprovoked headache lasting 4-72 hours with five or more attacks in a lifetime," according to the definition of migraine, "is severe enough to significantly limit or even prohibit routine daily activity and is accompanied by nausea or light/sound sensitivity."

we  aimed to assess the effect of the psychiatric co-morbidities of migraine on medical university students.


We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study at the Khartoum University on 356 students chosen by a multi-stage stratified sampling for the batch and gender, followed by a simple random sampling using self-administered questionnaires. Our survey consisted of the Patient Health Questionnaire 4-item (PHQ-4) to examine the effect of the psychiatric co-morbidities of migraine on medical students in Khartoum University. Migraine diagnosis was made according to ID Migraine. We analyzed the data using SPSS Software version 26. 

we included 63.8% females and 36.2% males. The age of the participants ranged from 17–26-year-old, with the majority between 20-23 years old. Additionally, 73.6% of the students were caffeine consumers, and 6.5% were smokers. In addition, 66% of medical students confirmed having two or more general headaches during the past three months. The prevalence of migraine was 27.25% in the whole study group. According to PHQ-4 scoring system, (36%) had a mild psychological distress (score: 3-5), (28.9%) reported severe distress (score: 9-12), while (24.7%) and (10.3%) reported moderate (score: 6-8) and none (score: 0-2) psychological distress, respectively. There was a significant association between the intensity of migraine without medications and the psychological status of the patient (P <0.05).

the effect of the psychiatric co-morbidities of migraine was variable among medical students at Khartoum University. Our study findings revealed a significant association between the intensity of migraine without medications and the psychological status of the patient. 

Amro E. Taha
No disclosure on file
Mohammed Hammad Jaber Mr. Jaber has nothing to disclose.