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Abstract Details

Assessing The Transportation Needs of a Free Community Neurology Clinic
Health Care Disparities
P1 - Poster Session 1 (8:00 AM-9:00 AM)
The Dream Center Neurology Clinic is a free medical clinic that provides specialty care in the state of SC. The clinic has two primary goals: to provide care to underserved patients and to provide an educational opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience with neurological conditions. Data from the first half of 2023 revealed that our clinic had a 31% no show rate. As has been established, lack of transportation is a primary social determinant of health leading to missed doctors appointments. We sought to determine the need for transportation in our own population with the goal to apply for grant funding to provide these services. 

The objective of this study was to determine the need for transportation services in our free community neurology clinic through survey.

To assess the transportation need, we surveyed patients beginning in August 2023. Through survey, patients were asked if they needed transportation to clinic, have ever needed transportation, or if they’ve missed appointments due to a transportation barrier. Lastly, patients were asked their preferred transportation method.

Of the 9 patients surveyed, 71% have at one time needed transportation to clinic. Fifty-seven percent reported missing appointments due to transportation. Of these, 14% have missed two appointments or more. One hundred percent of patients stated that they preferred a ride share service over a taxi or bus pass.

Health disparities are not new to medicine. Through survey, we've shown the need for transportation in our community. With a drive to close the gap, transportation services are now being provided at our clinic through a grant awarded by MUSC’s Office of Community Engagement. With continued data collection over our year of funds, we plan to assess the change in our no-show rate and hope to share the effects of reliable transportation in our underserved population.

Jade D. Doolittle
Miss Doolittle has nothing to disclose.
Emma L. Wetmore, MD Emma *Use 368242 Wetmore has nothing to disclose.
Tiffany Vereen, MS, MBA Ms. Vereen has nothing to disclose.
Gonzalo Revuelta, DO (Medical University of South Carolina) The institution of Dr. Revuelta has received research support from NIH.