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Abstract Details

Safety and Tolerability of Losmapimod for the Treatment of FSHD
Neuromuscular and Clinical Neurophysiology (EMG)
P3 - Poster Session 3 (5:30 PM-6:30 PM)
FSHD is a relentless, variably progressive disease leading to accumulation of disability over decades. Fulcrum has assessed losmapimod, a small molecule p38 α/β MAPK inhibitor, in FSHD in one completed Phase 1 study (FIS-001-2018) and two ongoing Phase 2 studies in the open-label extension period (FIS-001-2019 and FIS 002-2019).
Evaluate the safety and tolerability of losmapimod in the treatment for FSHD.
Subjects aged 18-65 years with genetically confirmed FSHD1, Clinical Severity Score 2-4, and MRI-eligible muscles for biopsy were exposed to losmapimod 7.5 or 15 mg BID PO for 14 days and up to 96 weeks. In study FIS 001-2018, 6 subjects were exposed to 7.5 mg and 11 subjects to 15 mg twice daily dosing for 14 consecutive days. In studies FIS-001-2019 and FIS-002-2019, 14 and 77 subjects respectively, received at least one dose of losmapimod 15 mg twice daily for up to 96 weeks. 
A total of 108 subjects with FSHD1 have been exposed to losmapimod. Most adverse events (AEs) observed during the studies were considered mild to moderate in severity. Most common AEs were eczema, dry skin, alanine aminotransferase increase, rash, headache, and myalgia. The majority of AEs resolved with continued dosing. Dosing has been paused for 14 days in four subjects (3 in FIS 001-2019 and 1 in FIS-002-2019) subjects due to COVID-19 infection. No drug-related SAEs, deaths, discontinuations due to AEs, or clinically significant changes in vital signs, clinical laboratory results, or ECG parameters were reported.
Losmapimod administered up to 15 mg BID in >100 subjects with FSHD1 for up to 96 weeks has been generally well-tolerated; the benefit-risk profile of losmapimod for the treatment of FSHD remains positive and favorable.

No disclosure on file
Marie-Helene Jouvin (Fulcrum Therapeutics) Marie-Helene Jouvin has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Fulcrum Therapeutics. Marie-Helene Jouvin has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Pharvaris. Marie-Helene Jouvin has stock in Fulcrum Therapeutics. Marie-Helene Jouvin has stock in Pharvaris.
Vivekananda Ramana (Fulcrum Therapeutics) No disclosure on file
John Jiang No disclosure on file