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2024 Annual Meeting | C131 - Neurology Education: Mastering the Art of Simulation Education

Tuesday 04/16/24
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM MDT Add To Calendar
Colorado Convention Center | Mile High 1BCD
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program will be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Nicholas A. Morris, MD, FAAN
Education, Research, and Methodology
Participants should be able to apply principles of simulation case design to outpatient and inpatient settings, debrief simulation exercises via the Debriefing with Good Judgement model, propose strategies to schedule and scale simulation training to improve access, and design an evaluation plan to turn simulation training into educational scholarship.
1.50 CME credits
Patient Care & Procedural Skills, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Professionalism, Medical Knowledge, Practice-based Learning and Improvement, Quality Improvement
Neurology Education
Fellow, Resident, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Non-neurologist, Advanced Practice Provider, Neurohospitalist, Medical Student
Didactic, Audience Participation

Program Materials Program Evaluations

Event Timeline
01:30 PM - 01:35 PM MDT Introduction Introductions and Course Outline
Nicholas A. Morris, MD, FAAN
01:35 PM - 01:55 PM MDT Speaker Principles of Simulation Case Design
Shivani Ghoshal, MD
01:55 PM - 02:15 PM MDT Speaker Debriefing with Good Judgment
Casey S. Albin, MD
02:15 PM - 02:30 PM MDT Speaker Scaling-up Simulation
Galina Gheihman, MD
02:30 PM - 02:45 PM MDT Speaker Turning Simulation into Scholarship
Nicholas A. Morris, MD, FAAN
02:45 PM - 03:00 PM MDT Q&A Questions, Answers, and Facilitated Brainstorming
Nicholas A. Morris, MD, FAAN, Galina Gheihman, MD, Casey S. Albin, MD, Shivani Ghoshal, MD
Faculty Disclosures
Nicholas A. Morris, MD, FAAN The institution of Dr. Morris has received research support from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Grand Rounds Speaker with New York University. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Grand Rounds Speaker with Mount Sinai Health System. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Continuum Article Author with American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Reviewer with Society of Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Grand Rounds Speaker with New York Medical College. Dr. Morris has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Webinar Speaker with Kreg Therapeutics.
Galina Gheihman, MD Dr. Gheihman has nothing to disclose.
Casey S. Albin, MD Dr. Albin has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as a Consultant for Azurity Pharmaceutical. Dr. Albin has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for Continuum: Life Long Learning in Neurology. Dr. Albin has received research support from American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Albin has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. Dr. Albin has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Instructor with Resuscitation Leadership Academy.
Shivani Ghoshal, MD Dr. Ghoshal has nothing to disclose.