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2014 Annual Meeting | 1SM.008 - Controversies in Brain Death Determination

Saturday 04/26/14
03:00 PM - 05:00 PM Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Owen B. Samuels, MD, FAAN
General Neurology
Participants should become familiar with current guideline recommendations for the determination of brain death in adults and children; understand current clinical and ethical controversies; understand proper performance of and interpretation of clinical brain death examinations and ancillary testing; and recognize potential confounding variables in brain death determination.
No CME available
Trainee, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist, Non-neurologist
Case-based, Didactic, Interactive
Event Timeline
03:00 PM - 03:20 PM Are Brain Dead Patients Really Dead? No
Robert Truog, MD
03:20 PM - 03:40 PM Are Brain Dead Patients Really Dead? Yes
James L. Bernat, MD, FAAN
03:40 PM - 04:00 PM Panel Discussion
04:00 PM - 04:15 PM Current Status of AAN Guidelines for the Determination of Brain Death in Adults: Where the Guidelines Fall Short
Owen B. Samuels, MD, FAAN
04:15 PM - 04:25 PM Variability in Brain Death Policies and Practice in the US
Owen B. Samuels, MD, FAAN
04:25 PM - 04:45 PM Where the AAN Brain Guidelines Fall Short: One Perspective on the Future of Brain Death Determination: Guiding a Contemporarily Coherent Approach
Jeffrey I. Frank, MD, FAAN
04:45 PM - 05:00 PM Panel Discussion
Faculty Disclosures
Owen B. Samuels, MD, FAAN Dr. Samuels has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care.
James L. Bernat, MD, FAAN Dr. Bernat has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for Physician's Index for Ethics in Medicine. The institution of Dr. Bernat has received research support from National Institutes of Health UL1TR001086. The institution of Dr. Bernat has received research support from National Institutes of Health ME-1609-36174. Dr. Bernat has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care.
Jeffrey I. Frank, MD, FAAN No disclosure on file
Robert Truog, MD No disclosure on file