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2014 Annual Meeting | 6CS.003 - Case Studies in Behavioral Neurology: Focus on Frontotemporal Degeneration

Thursday 05/01/14
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM Add To Calendar
This program will be presented both in-person and online
This program is not expected to be available in the meeting's On Demand product.
Extended Seminar
Daniel Kaufer, MD, FAAN
Participants should enhance their expertise in recognizing and managing FTD related disorders and improve clinical assessment skills in cognitive, behavioral, and motor areas; enhance knowledge regarding appropriate use of diagnostic brain imaging and genetic testing, when indicated; and be able to employ a comprehensive therapeutic strategy based on current empirical approaches and an understanding of potential future therapies.
No CME available
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Trainee, General Neurologist, Specialist Neurologist
Case-based, Didactic, Interactive, Audience Participation
Event Timeline
06:00 PM - 06:15 PM Clinical Overview of Frontotemporal Dementia
Daniel Kaufer, MD, FAAN
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM Food & Beverage
06:15 PM - 07:00 PM Case Presentations
Mario F. Mendez, MD, PhD, FAAN
07:00 PM - 07:15 PM Break
07:15 PM - 08:00 PM Case Presentations
Katya Rascovsky
08:00 PM - 08:45 PM Case Presentations
Daniel Kaufer, MD, FAAN
08:45 PM - 09:00 PM Questions and Answers
Daniel Kaufer, MD, FAAN, Mario F. Mendez, MD, PhD, FAAN, Katya Rascovsky
Faculty Disclosures
Daniel Kaufer, MD, FAAN No disclosure on file
Katya Rascovsky No disclosure on file
Mario F. Mendez, MD, PhD, FAAN Dr. Mendez has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Medical Education Speakers' Bureau. Dr. Mendez has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for UpToDate. The institution of Dr. Mendez has received research support from NIH. Dr. Mendez has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care.