Quality Measures

Quality Measures

Improve the care of your patients by using the AAN's quality measurement sets, reporting initiatives, and other resources.

Browse Measures By Topic

Inpatient and Emergency Care

Epilepsy and Seizures

Child Neurology

Geriatric Neurology


Movement Disorders

Multiple Sclerosis


Other Neurologic Conditions

Stroke and Vascular Neurology

How To Use a Measure

Learn how quality measures are integrated into public and private payer programs and how you can use this data to drive improvement in practice. Additional quality improvement resources are available. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Quality Improvement in Practice Slides

Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Overview

PDSA Worksheet

Migraine, PD, and Stroke Case Examples

Sample Scoring Sheet

Epilepsy Case Summaries

Valproic Acid Referred for EEG

Measures Under Development

Inpatient & Emergency - Work group forming 2022

General Neurology - Work group forming 2022

Child Neurology - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

Stroke - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

Measure Development

Be part of the measure development process and submit an idea for a future measurement set or volunteer your time to be part of the next measure development work group.

All work group applicants are required to complete a nomination form and the Relationship Disclosure Form via the AAN's Disclosure Management System. This system serves as the centralized place for AAN members and nonmembers to disclose relationships for the past two years that may impact their AAN activities.

If you are applying as a member of a partnering organization and are not an AAN member, you will need to create a non-member ID first. Please follow the steps to create a non-member ID. 

To complete the disclosure form, please visit the disclosures portal and select "Update my disclosure." Please note you will need to use either Chrome or Firefox. Please review the FAQs for additional information on how to complete this task. 

Email quality@aan.com for more information.

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