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A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award

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Excellent teachers deserve recognition for their contributions to improving neurology now and in the future. Teaching binds students, residents, faculty, other clinicians, researchers, and even patients, together and helps make our daily work more meaningful. This award demonstrates respect and appreciation for neurological teaching.  


  • Educators – physicians, physician-scientists, and scientists.
  • Educator definition: MD/DO/PhD
    • A medical educator is a skilled professional who combines deep medical knowledge with effective teaching methodologies, adept communication, technological integration, mentorship, and/or a commitment to ongoing learning and innovation in order to foster a supportive and advanced learning environment in medicine.
  • Nominee or applicant must be an AAN member.
  • Nominee or applicant must have been awarded a local award or commendation for teaching excellence within the previous five (5) years and a copy of local award/commendation must accompany the application or nomination.
  • Individuals who have received an AAN national award or an A. B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award within the previous three (3) years are not eligible. 
  • Only one (1) adult neurology teacher and one (1) pediatric neurology teacher will be recognized per medical school, independent medical institution, or neurological practice per year, except under extraordinary circumstances.


  • Applications Open: June 25, 2024
  • Applications Close: October 31, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CT


Recipients will receive a certificate of recognition from the AAN. The AAN will not judge the excellence of the nominated teachers but will rely on the nominating statement and the local award or commendation.

Application Requirements  

  • Letter of Recommendation/Interest
  • Copy of award/commendation 


Contact Ashley Mundt, Trainee Education Program Manager at amundt@aan.com.