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Abstract Details

Between Weir Mitchell and Autoimmunity: Donato Alarcón-Segovia's Contribution to the Study of Erythromelalgia
History of Neurology
P5 - (-)
Guillermo R. Delgado-Garcia, MD, MSc (University of Calgary - Alberta Health Services)
Dr. Delgado-Garcia has received research support from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Mexico). Dr. Delgado-Garcia has received research support from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Mexico). Dr. Delgado-Garcia has a non-compensated relationship as a Editorial Team Member with Neurology Resident & Fellow Section that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Delgado-Garcia has a non-compensated relationship as a Editorial Board Member with Brain and Life en Espanol that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. Dr. Delgado-Garcia has a non-compensated relationship as a Editorial Board Member with Neurology Clinical Practice that is relevant to AAN interests or activities.
Bruno E. Vidal, MD (Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición) No disclosure on file