How Measures are Developed

Quality Measures

Gain an understanding of how the AAN develops clinical quality measures relevant to a neurology practice. Interested in developing measurement sets that affect your patients and your practice? Check back often to apply for a work group position. All work group applicants are required to complete a nomination and conflict of interest form. Have an idea for a new measure needed to improve patient care? Email

Measures Under Development

Inpatient & Emergency - Work group forming 2022

General Neurology - Work group forming 2022

Child Neurology - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

Stroke - Update in process with public comment planned 2022

Measure Development Manual

Read the 2022 AAN Institute measure manual to understand the full measure development and implementation process. This updates the 2019 measure manual and prior 2017 measure manual.

Partnering Organizations

Learn more about other organizations involved in measure development and endorsement.

National Quality Forum

ECRI Guidelines Trust

CMSS Measurement Primer